From America to Vienna

Well, the title here doesn't really accurately describe the point at which I find myself here in Jordan, but I've been here for almost three weeks and have only recently decided to start a blog, so I'm gonna have to do this a little retroactively.
After 12 hours and about 70 chapters into "The Da Vinci Code" I found myself in Vienna, ready for a 14 hour layover. You know, at first I thought, "GREAT! 14 hours is going to be just enough to scratch the surface of a city with as much history as Vienna!" The thing is, history repeats itself right? Well Vienna would be a great case study for this theory, because after about four hours, you can begin to tell the future: "I'll bet we're going to turn this corner and find this monumentally large building covered in naked gold children and capped off with a two headed eagle. OH MY LORD! IT'S JUST LIKE THE LAST ONE I SAW!" 14 hours is too much to spend in any city. Don't get me wrong though, Vienna is cool. It might be that for the entire 14 hours I was plagued with montezuma's revenge. Unfortunately, Vienna is probably one of the only cities in the world that actually have more cathedrals that it has water closets, and I'm not bragging about the number of bathrooms they have. What I've really come to appreciate about America from this experience is free bathroom use. It seems like an inalienable human right to use a bathroom, but there's a charge every time you want to go, and since I visited about every WC in Vienna, I left much poorer than I arrived. I've never been taken advantage of like that before. "Oh, you're going to EXPLODE, huh? 1 euro." Did I really have a choice? I always thought the European tradition of urinating on public buildings was discusting, but I now understand that this is a financial decision.
Seriously though, Vienna is cool.
So, Vienna is great. I loved the place--but Brian failed to mention the wonderful WienerSchnitzel! Oh the beautiful food of the city Wien! Actually, it tasted ok, but Definitely not worth going all the way across the ocean for. Great place to stop off on the way to Jordan though!
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